VIDEO: Hot air balloon crash-lands into residents garden in Northampton

The hot air balloon following the crash landThe hot air balloon following the crash land
The hot air balloon following the crash land
A hot air balloon "panicked" residents in Northampton when it descended into a residential garden yesterday evening.

The crash happened about 6.30pm in Squires Walk in Spinney Hill, near the Spinney Hill Pub.

Resident, Sam Secker said: One of my dogs was barking like mad, we had just finished dinner and I could see it from the corner of my eye while washing up. My son ran upstairs to record from he's bedroom and that's when he came running down saying it's hit a tree."

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"We ran up to the Kettering Road, there were people running from all directions so they must have been panicked the same as us.

The hot air balloon following the crash landThe hot air balloon following the crash land
The hot air balloon following the crash land

"The trailer, the balloon got picked up in, turned up while we were there and that's when we left, we just wanted to make sure they were okay.

"I'd say there was three or four blokes. It was a shock we thought they were gonna smack into a chimney or something as it was hovering low for a gd 10-20 minutes. Luckily noone was hurt."

Northamptonshire Police was in attendance.

A spokeswoman said: "We were called at 6.40pm to reports of a hot air balloon flying low and then landing in a back garden in Squires Walk yesterday, Sunday, April 2.

"No one was injured in the incident."

A spokesman for The British Balloon and Airship Club has been approached for further comment.