'Very slim' attacker kicked woman in the ribs in another violent Northampton robbery

Police believe homes in Heather Lane may have CCTV footage of a violent robbery on Monday night.Police believe homes in Heather Lane may have CCTV footage of a violent robbery on Monday night.
Police believe homes in Heather Lane may have CCTV footage of a violent robbery on Monday night.
A woman was pulled to the ground and punched in the ribs in another violent robbery in the east of Northampton.

Officers are asking for witnesses and relevant CCTV following an attack that occurred late on Monday night (January 23).

A 20-year-old woman walking along Heather Lane, Lumbertubs, just before midnight, was grabbed and pulled to the ground by an unknown offender who demanded her bag.

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A police spokeswoman said: "She tried to push him away but he punched her in the ribs and made off with her bag, on foot."

The offender is described as "a very slim," 5ft 7in white man in his mid-20s with an English accent.

He was dressed all in black and wearing a hooded top with a white zip, and gloves.

A friend of the victim has claimed the attacker was brandishing a knife at the time of the incident and attempted to stab the victim in the shoulder, though police have not confirmed this.

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The victim's friend said: "She tried kicking the knife out his hand, a couple of lads heard her screams ran out from their house and the man ran off with her bag."

Officers are keen to speak with anyone who witnessed this incident or anyone who lives in the area who has CCTV and would be willing to provide coverage at around that time.

Anyone with information is being asked to contact Northamptonshire Police on 101. Alternatively, they can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.