TRAFFIC NEWS: Severe delays and congestion in Northampton

Motorists should steer clear of certain routes around Northampton town centre this afternoonMotorists should steer clear of certain routes around Northampton town centre this afternoon
Motorists should steer clear of certain routes around Northampton town centre this afternoon
Motorists are being advised to re-route this afternoon following severe traffic backlog around Northampton town centre.

Drivers are having to endure delays of 22 minutes in Upton Way with speed limits at 5mph.

AA Traffic News has alerted drivers that there is also a 12-minute delay on Saint Peter's Way eastbound between Saint Michaels Road and Horseshoe Street.

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Cobblers and Saints kick off at 3pm in a home game clash while Sixfields also plays host to a circus and roadworks.

Motorists should also avoid increasing delays in Victoria Promenade northbound between Blenheim Road and Cattle Market Road.