Taxpayers' pockets hit after spate of Northamptonshire fly-tips laced with asbestos

Builders waste dumped near Old Stratford Community Centre.Builders waste dumped near Old Stratford Community Centre.
Builders waste dumped near Old Stratford Community Centre.
The taxpayer has been left carrying the cost after a series of fly-tips along the border of Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire which included harmful asbestos.

During August and September environmental enforcement officers from South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) were called to five fly-tips, all situated off the A422 between Leckhampstead and Old Stratford.

Each incident included similar waste building materials, packaged in a similar way, and enforcement officers believe the waste may originate from the same site.

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It is estimated the waste would have filled at least three transit vans and has cost the council £2,000 to remove.

Cllr Dermot Bambridge, SNC’s portfolio holder for environmental services, said: “We have reason to believe this waste is coming from somewhere local.

“If anyone has information about these fly-tips or witnessed a van or lorry behaving suspiciously in the area please contact us on 01327 322347.”

The date they were reported and details for each incident are as follows:

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- Thursday, August 24: SNC officers found loose builders waste and builders waste in thick black sacks in the small lay-by at the end of Deanshanger Road leaving Old Stratford, just along from the Community Centre

- Friday, August 25: loose and bagged builders waste found in the copse area by the junctions of Passenham Road and the A422

- Friday, September 7: asbestos found in Leckhampstead Road, Wicken and followed by a second report of asbestos dumped in the same location

- Friday, September 8: SNC received reports of a second fly-tip on Passenham Road

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When asbestos is broken up it can release dangerous fibres which can be fatal if inhaled and requires specialist handling and disposal.

Anyone disposing of waste from their property must take reasonable measures to ensure the person taking it away is authorised to do so.

Authorised waste carriers must have a waste carrier’s licence, and householders should ask to see it and should obtain a receipt.

Householders should also make a note of the collector’s name, telephone number and vehicle details, and be wary of individuals advertising waste collection services on social media or those ‘door knocking.’

For more information on the disposal of asbestos visit the council's website or call 01327 322344. Visit to report a fly-tip.