Results improve again at Malcolm Arnold Academy with half getting the English and maths pass

Malcolm Arnold pupils celebrating their GCSE results this morning.Malcolm Arnold pupils celebrating their GCSE results this morning.
Malcolm Arnold pupils celebrating their GCSE results this morning.
Half of the students at Malcolm Arnold Academy got a C or above in English and maths as the school continues to show signs of improvement.

A similar figure - 48 per cent - got above a C grade in five subjects including English and maths, improving on last year’s results by 13 per cent.

Principal of the David Ross Education Trust owned academy, Chris Steed, said he was delighted.

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He said: “What better way to top an outstanding year. Our A-Level results significantly improved, our students have won a number of major sporting and cultural competitions, Ofsted praised the progress the academy is making, and now we have some outstanding GCSEs.

“What is really interesting is that these results show that our students are not just achieving some fantastic grades, but also surpassing the progress levels that the government sets.”

Among the smiling faces was Vicale Alfanti, who achieved five A*s, five As and one B grade, and will now head off to study the sciences at college.

She said: “It feels completely surreal. So many years of hard work have finally paid off and I can’t wait for sixth form.

“I’m looking forward to the future and studying science.”

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Another happy student was Jaker Ahmed, who got the grades to go to college and study maths, biology and chemistry.

Jaker said: “I did much better than expected and my goal of studying biochemistry at university is even closer.

“The teachers have been really helpful during my time at school and I feel ready to go to college.”

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