600 sign petition for 20mph speed limit in Weston Favell village

The petition was handed over at County Hall on Thursday morningThe petition was handed over at County Hall on Thursday morning
The petition was handed over at County Hall on Thursday morning
More than 600 people have signed a petition calling for a 20mph speed limit to be introduced in Weston Favell village.

The petition was handed in to Northamptonshire County Council on Thursday (November 21) by Martin Brown, the chairman of the village’s residents’ association.

It calls for the limit to be implemented in High Street and Church Way between Wellingborough Road and Favell Way, as the current 30mph limit is ‘too high’.

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Mr Brown said: “Twenty miles per hour is the right speed limit for the narrow and twisty roads in and around the conservation area of Weston Favell Village. Footways are narrow or non-existent with some residents having to step directly into the road. A 20mph speed limit will support children and vulnerable adults who wish to walk rather than travel in cars and will reduce the fear of fast traffic.”

Mr Brown said the village suffers from an ‘excessive’ amount of traffic. The residents’ association stated that a large percentage of traffic were vehicles using the village as a ‘rat-run’ to avoid the congested major roads in the area.

The association added that it believed a 20mph speed limit can be successfully installed at ‘minimum cost’ and without traffic calming features being required.

The petition states: “Roads in the centre of Weston Favell village are narrow and twisting. Footways are narrow throughout and in some parts of Church Way there are no footways at all. There are significant pedestrian movements in the village, including children attending several primary and upper schools, and young and elderly people attending St Peter’s Church and Hall for events throughout the week.”