Pictures shows all the fun from celebrity football match fundraiser in Northampton

Pictures Kirsty Edmonds.Pictures Kirsty Edmonds.
Pictures Kirsty Edmonds.
The Cobblers' ground welcomed 2,600 people who all came to watch two teams packed with celebrities take to the field in aid of Duston lad, Archie Kambanis.

Crowds of 2,600 supporters cheered on Love Island, The Only Way Is Essex and Eastenders stars yesterday (Sunday) to raise money for Archie's Army and the Northampton Town Community Trust. Six-year-old Archie Kambanis of Duston has a rare muscle-wasting condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and was diagnosed with SMA when he was just two. SMA is a life-shortening condition where the motor nerve cells in the spinal chord become diseased, which causes a decline in physical strength. As a result, walking and eating become difficult and a simple chest infection could be fatal. The star-studded match finished with Dean Gaffney scoring to make it 7-5, and with three minutes to play, Love Island's Sam Gowland bagged a hat-trick. A last minute own goal then made the score 7-7 before Team Two won on a penalty shoot out. READ MORE: Pictures shows all the fun from celebrity football match fundraiser in Northampton

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