Mystery still surrounds loud banging noise in Eastern District

The incidents have been heard around the Eastern District over the past two monthsThe incidents have been heard around the Eastern District over the past two months
The incidents have been heard around the Eastern District over the past two months
Have you been woken up by a mystery ear-splitting noise during the night?

Puzzled residents who live in Ecton Brook have heard the mystery "banging" noise again this month that still remains an enigma.

In January police officers issued an appeal for information after reports of a gunshot noise in the Rectory Farm area of Northampton.

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There were no reported injuries and officers said they were investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident that took place sometime overnight between January 29 and January 30.

The bangs were heard again on Sunday night by a resident in Ecton Brook who said it echoed through her home during the middle of the night.

Bethany of Ecton Brook, who did not wish to give her surname, said she's been hearing the same noise since January, which has often woken her up.

She said: "There have been these loud bangs on and off now for a little while and they happen at random times.

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"On Sunday (February 16), there was one randomly in the afternoon and also around midnight. Then there was one about a week ago at around 2am.

"On 31 January there was a loud bang as well then and there was two more continuously and my partner woke up and thought it was a gunshot at first.

"I know there's a farm nearby and in the daytime you can hear really quiet banging but you know this is a different bang.

"We are just concerned about what it is really."

Northamptonshire Police said they did not receive any official reports from the past weekend but they are still appealing for information.

Anyone with any information is asked to call Northamptonshire Police on 101 or alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 5555111.