Hundreds turn out to Franklins' Gardens first ever Tough Mudder

Pictures by Kirsty Edmonds.Pictures by Kirsty Edmonds.
Pictures by Kirsty Edmonds.
Pictures show the hundreds of fitness fanatics who took part in the first ever stadium-based Tough Mudder in Northampton.

Rugby was the theme at the heart of Tough Mudder in Northampton this year for the first 5k obstacle course at Saints' home ground. Friends can be seen photographed by Chron photographer Kirsty Edmonds helping each other clamber over 13 obstacles on the try line, before finishing with an epic 'Mudder Village' party in the middle of the pitch. Tough Mudder’s 5k series is non-competitive and untimed. The course did feature Tough Mudder’s top-rated obstacles, including fan-favourites Everest, where 'Mudders' scrambled up a 3.5 metre high half-pipe, and 'Next Level', which saw 'Mudders' clamber up and over to get a birds eye view of the stadium. Once across the finish line, it was anything but game-over. Celebrations were held on the achievement centre field, with a free BrewDog Punk IPA for tired racers.

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