Film crew need extras to play studio audience for film shoot in Northampton this weekend

Film crew ScreenNorthants need extras to play a studio audience for a scene this weekend.Film crew ScreenNorthants need extras to play a studio audience for a scene this weekend.
Film crew ScreenNorthants need extras to play a studio audience for a scene this weekend.
A Northampton-based film group need volunteers this weekend to play a packed-out studio audience for an upcoming film.

Northampton-based film crew ScreenNorthants is shooting their next production and are asking for extras to be an audience member for a scene being filmed this weekend.

The crew are shooting scenes from a 90s TV game show in the style of Family Fortunes and Catchphrase and need audiences members who can clap and sheer along with their lead actors.

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Actors will be needed between February 2 between 11am and 7pm at Northampton International Academy and must be aged 16 or over.

For more information, contact ScreenNorthants by emailing [email protected].

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