Duston parents running to thank ‘Narnia’ ward at Northampton General Hospital that saved their babies

Tanya Charter is fund-raising for the Gosset Ward after three of her children were treated there.Tanya Charter is fund-raising for the Gosset Ward after three of her children were treated there.
Tanya Charter is fund-raising for the Gosset Ward after three of her children were treated there.
Most new parents would agree that it is their worst nightmare to hear that their baby needs emergency care.

For Tanya and Tim Charter, from Duston, this happened to them three times.

Thankfully their son Elliot and their twins Harriet and Oliver are all now doing well.

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But when they were born, all three were treated on the Gosset Ward, which is the neonatal unit at Northampton General Hospital and Tanya says staff saved her children’s lives.

Tanya and Tim with the twins Harriet and Oliver.Tanya and Tim with the twins Harriet and Oliver.
Tanya and Tim with the twins Harriet and Oliver.

The 36-year-old mum said: “My now five-year-old was born four weeks early with pneumonia on his lungs.

“It wasn’t until day two that we realised. The doctors just said he needed help and he was sent to the Gosset Ward.

“They gave him antibiotics, X-rayed and saved his life basically.”

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Three years later, Tanya and Tim had twins - Harriet and Oliver, who were born eight weeks early.

Tanya, Tim and (left to right) Oliver, Elliot and Harriet at Christmas.Tanya, Tim and (left to right) Oliver, Elliot and Harriet at Christmas.
Tanya, Tim and (left to right) Oliver, Elliot and Harriet at Christmas.

Tanya added: “Doctors told us that they would be taken to the Gosset Ward straight away.

“Harriet was the first-born, then Oliver came out without me having to have a cesarean.

“Hariet was the dominant twin in my tummy so Oliver did not have the time to grow properly.

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“I had a quick cuddle with Oliver then passed him to Dad. His breathing changed so they had to be whisked away.

“The placenta was stuck so I had to go to surgery and when my husband wheeled me up, the twins were in intensive care on the Gosset Ward.

“There were wires and machines coming out of everywhere.

“We stayed there for four weeks.”

Tanya and Tim are so grateful to the staff on the ward that, alongside their children’s godmother, they are planning to run 20 parkruns and 20 races this year - 20/20 for 2020 - in a bid to raise at least £2,000.

“We could not fault the support from the Gosset Ward,” Tanya added.

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“We call the ward Narnia. Nobody ever wants to go there but when you are there, you are flooded with so much love and support.

“The place means so much to me. All the staff were like family on the Gosset Ward.

“My husband and I could not have got through it without them.

“They were the parents for our children when we could not be there.”

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Despite Tanya suffering with asthma and endometriosis and 39-year-old Tim recovering from a major operation, the couple intend to run races including colour runs and tough mudders.

To end the challenge, the running trio hope to complete the Wimbledon half marathon on October 11.

Tanya said: “My grandad died just before I fell pregnant with Elliot. We’re doing it in memory of him too.”

Tanya, who says she is also doing the challenge for her mental health, would love as many people as possible to join in with the running.

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If you want to get involved, you can visit the couple’s Facebook page: 20/20 for 2020 for Neonatal at NGH.

The couple is also hosting a family fun day on Saturday July 25, family fun day at Fernie Fields, Moulton Park. They are looking for raffle donations and stall holders. If you want to participate in anyway, contact Tanya via the Facebook page.

Or you can donate to their course on their JustGiving page.

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