College asks Northampton's businesses to give students a chance with internship scheme

Moulton College are looking for businesses to join their supported internship course...Moulton College are looking for businesses to join their supported internship course...
Moulton College are looking for businesses to join their supported internship course...
A college is asking for Northampton businesses to step forward and give young learners with learning difficulties a chance at an internship.

Moulton College is asking for the town's companies, shops and organisations to reach out and help their students take the leap from school into the workplace.

Employers who opt-in stand to pick up skilled young workers aged between 16 and 24 who are ready to become part of a team while helping disabled people find their confidence in a working environment.

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Clare Waggitt, who manages the "supported internship" course for Moulton College, said: "We're asking Northampton's businesses who think they can ideally offer a place to work for our young learners after an internship.

Moulton College is asking for businesses to help their students into internships...Moulton College is asking for businesses to help their students into internships...
Moulton College is asking for businesses to help their students into internships...

"I think it's a chance for employers to broaden their approach. Young people with learning difficulties can bring really good qualities to the workplace and you'd be making a huge difference in their lives.

"We've relied on several businesses over the years for our internship scheme and now we want to widen the opportunities available for our students."

Businesses and companies that opt-in for the course can accept one of Moulton College's learners for a "week-long interview" trial period.

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If they are a good fit for the workplace, companies can offer them a six-month supported internship where a job coach employed by Moulton College will work alongside them while they get to grips with the job.

At the end of the six months, Moulton College hopes the companies will be in a position to offer their intern a job and a place on the team.

Claire said: "Our students can also bring a range of their own qualifications from the college like animal welfare, horticulture, agriculture and floristry to name a few - but that doesn't limit the roles they can fill at a business.

"It brings everyone together in the community, helps young people find work and additionally helps employers towards their equality act commitments."

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Any businesses, shops or companies in Northampton who feel they could offer a place can contact Clare on 01604 491131 or email her at [email protected].