Letter: A heartfelt thank you to all who helped

Letter writer Marilyn Styles took a nasty tumble in town shortly before Christmas and has thanked the kind Northampton folk who helped her...

On December 15 I tripped up broken paving in the Drapery resulting in a dislocated elbow and three-part fracture.

I was on my own and felt very vulnerable. I would like to thank some wonderful kind people who came to help me. Two young ladies Ellie and Victoria one of whom took off her coat, it was very cold, to support my head. Also Darren and Trish Butcher; Darren the first aider from Debenhams who was with me throughout and Trish who supplied tea and coffee for people who were caring for me while we waited for an ambulance, the off duty paramedic who stopped to help, the paramedic on a bicycle and the police who were there.

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I am sorry I don’t know your names, but a heartfelt thank you to you all. The first class care I had from the ambulance team, hospital staff, Mr Jepson and his team was second to none.

I would be grateful if you could include this in your paper. Such actions need to be highlighted.

Marilyn Styles

By email

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