Northamptonshire social worker suspended for six months following misconduct

County HallCounty Hall
County Hall
A Northamptonshire social worker has been suspended from Health and Care Professional Committee (HCPC) register for six months on the grounds of misconduct while employed with Northamptonshire County Council.

A panel of the HCPC Conduct and Competence Committee heard that Jeanette Hamer failed to visit Service User A, for whom she was responsible, in a timely manner after becoming aware that he had placed a ligature around his neck with a view to ending his life.

She also failed to discuss the incident with Service User B, Service User A’s brother.

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Panel chair, Claire Bonnet said: “Mrs Hamer has breached a fundamental tenet of the profession by failing to act in the best interests of service users in many respects and has brought the profession into disrepute by her repeated failings.

“These took place over a significant period of time, involved 13 service users and put a number of them at risk and hampered the process of transition to adulthood for two of them.”

The panel further heard that Mrs Hamer failed to undertake statutory visits as well as maintaining accurate case notes.

It was highlighted that she also inappropriately kept confidential information in relation to around 36 service users outside the office.

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A spokesman for Northamptonshire County Council said: “We take safeguarding issues very seriously and work closely with the HCPC to ensure that the highest standards are maintained.

“Once allegations of professional misconduct came to light an internal investigation was held which eventually led to dismissal from the county council.”

The panel ordered for the name of Jeanette Hamer to be suspended from the HCPC Register for a period of six months.

Mrs Hamer was neither present nor represented at the hearing.

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