Northampton woman with Multiple Sclerosis lovingly designs necklace for charity

Kimberley Carey, manager at the Cube Disability Arts Academy in Corby, has created a necklace to raise money for the MS Trust.Kimberley Carey, manager at the Cube Disability Arts Academy in Corby, has created a necklace to raise money for the MS Trust.
Kimberley Carey, manager at the Cube Disability Arts Academy in Corby, has created a necklace to raise money for the MS Trust.
A woman from Northampton has created a necklace for her MS community with £20 of the proceeds to fund a charity researching the disease.

Kimberley Carey, 29, of Moulton was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) back in 2017 after three years of unexplained symptoms, MRI Scans and endless neurology appointments.

Since Kimberley's diagnosis, she has worked alongside her uncle Steff at Steffans Jewellers in Abington Square to design a MS pendant necklace to represent the strength and courage of people affected by, and battling with Multiple Sclerosis on a daily basis.

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Kimberley said: "We came up with the idea at the start of this year. My uncle Steffan approached me and said 'we could design it together' and we worked with his partner Julles to design something. It's a gold ribbon, which is the symbol of MS awareness design.

"It's been really popular and everyone has loved it. It's a way of having the MS community come together and feel comforted that they are not alone in this."

Last year, although Kimberley thought she might have MS, it took doctors a while to diagnose her. "I never thought I would be told those words," she added.

"It was really really shocking.

"At the time I was really upset."

MS is a lifelong neurological condition of the central nervous system where the coating of your nerves becomes damaged, which causes lesions and scarring on the brain and/or spinal cord.

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Since the Multiple Sclerosis Trust first shared Kimberley's story on their website she has been contacted by young people with a diagnosis, and families and friends struggling with their loved one's challenges.

Through her fight she has found support and advice among the online MS community and raised over £6,000 with alongside her family and friends, for various MS charities who provide invaluable support and research into the illness.

The necklace, which has already been bought in the US and Australia - is on sale at Steffans in Abington Square, Market Harborough and online - starting at £65.

Steffans Jewellers will donate £20 of the proceeds from every sale to the Multiple Sclerosis Trust.

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