NGH welcomes state-of-the-art virtual assistant to give visitors health tips and directions

Mia with health and wellbeing coordinator Anne-Marie Dunkley, chief executive Dr Sonia Swart and charity coordinator Alison McCulloch.Mia with health and wellbeing coordinator Anne-Marie Dunkley, chief executive Dr Sonia Swart and charity coordinator Alison McCulloch.
Mia with health and wellbeing coordinator Anne-Marie Dunkley, chief executive Dr Sonia Swart and charity coordinator Alison McCulloch.
Northampton General Hospital has become the first organisation in the town to welcome an unusual new addition to the team to dish out vital information.

The virtual assistant, who’s been given the name Mia (messaging, information and advice), looks like a real person and "speaks" to people coming into the hospital.

Anne-Marie Dunkley, health and wellbeing coordinator at Northampton General Hospital described the benefits of Mia.

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“We’re really excited to welcome the new virtual assistant to NGH," she said.

"We wanted to find something state-of-the-art to improve messaging and communication with staff, patients and visitors. The virtual assistant is a way to bring messaging to life, not only for general health and wellbeing advice but for other hospital information too.

“As our entrances are extremely busy we took some of the most frequently asked questions people have when coming into the hospital and tried to make them as accessible as possible. By doing this we can create an easier and more enjoyable experience for our visitors.”

As well as providing a friendly face when entering the hospital, the trust says Mia is as an 'exciting alternative' to traditional signage around the hospital.

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The content can be tailored to various areas of the hospital as well as communicating seasonal messaging such as flu vaccinations or advice on staying well in winter.

The new assistant, funded by Northamptonshire Charitable Health Fund, will be positioned at main entrances and in outpatient areas across the hospital from June.