Jail for Northampton carjacker involved in gang burglary spree

Rhys MoriartyRhys Moriarty
Rhys Moriarty
A gang of four, including a 25-year-old from Northampton, have been sentenced to prison terms totalling more than 11 years for a spree of burglaries.

Rhys Moriarty, 25, of Beech Avenue, Abington, was sentenced to five years in jail for his part in a gang who targetted several homes in Bedfordshire.

His sentence took into account further charges of dangerous driving, aggravated vehicle taking and driving above the alcohol limit.

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He will serve three at least a three-year disqualification from driving.

Tyler Ogden-HooperTyler Ogden-Hooper
Tyler Ogden-Hooper

Accomplice Johnny Berry, 24, of Southwood Road, Dunstable, was sentenced to three years for conspiracy to commit burglary.

Tyler Ogden-Hooper 18, who was 17 at the time of the offences, was handed two years in a young offenders Institution for burglary and attempted burglary.

A 17-year old boy from Bedford, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was also sentenced for receiving stolen goods to two four-month detention and training orders.

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Detective Constable Jason Wheeler, who investigated the case, said: “Moriarty, Berry and Ogden-Hooper were prolific burglars who caused misery to their victims during this crime spree.

Johnny BerryJohnny Berry
Johnny Berry

“They committed these burglaries during the early hours whilst the occupants were sleeping. I’m pleased that these burglars have now been taken off the streets for an amount of time. I hope they reflect on their actions whilst serving out the sentences handed down to them.

“At Bedfordshire Police, we are committed to reducing burglary and these sentences show that this is a crime that we, and the courts, take very seriously.”

DC Wheeler also advised residents to double lock their front doors.

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He said: “Make life difficult for opportunist burglars. If your door is equipped with double locks, please use them. This makes it harder for this type of offender to enter properties. I would also urge you to place your car keys away from the front door and out of sight.”

Tyler Ogden-HooperTyler Ogden-Hooper
Tyler Ogden-Hooper

You will find further advice regarding prevention of burglary on Bedfordshire Police’s website.

Anyone with information on a crime is asked to contact the force via its online reporting centre or by calling the non-emergency number 101. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 55 111.

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