Inadequate Northampton primary school improving 'at rapid pace' say inspectors

Green Oaks Primary School was placed in special measures in October 2016.Green Oaks Primary School was placed in special measures in October 2016.
Green Oaks Primary School was placed in special measures in October 2016.
A Northampton primary school that was branded "inadequate" in a 2016 Ofsted visit is climbing back "at a rapid pace", say inspectors.

Green Oak Primary Academy, in Kingsthorpe, was dropped into special measures in a damning inspection in November 2016 over "a legacy of underachievement".

Shortly afterwards, the existing principal and four teachers left the school.

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Now, a new Ofsted visit has praised the academy's "precise actions" to turn over a new leaf is taking "effective action" to move out of special measures.

A letter from inspectors, published July 9, reads: "The principal and senior leaders have continued to drive forward improvements at a rapid pace.

"The school has a busy and purposeful atmosphere where pupils are engaged in their work. Instances of poor behaviour and bullying are extremely rare. Pupils told inspectors they felt happy and safe."

The new inspection does not change the official "inadequate" rating but comes as a monitoring visit as part of its special measures.

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In a previous visit, inspectors criticised that pupils did not have an appropriate understanding of "British values", which they say has now improved.

Principal Wendy Gordon said: "It's been a whole team effort to remove the school from special measures.

"We will continue to improve on all the things we've been working so hard on and ensure our children have positive memories of school.

"We will continue to raise our standards and we are confident that will be the case."

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