Heartless thugs shoot cat in the eye in Northampton

Claire Pell's cat Penny was shot point blank an air rifle last week, leaving her needing surgery to remove her left eye.Claire Pell's cat Penny was shot point blank an air rifle last week, leaving her needing surgery to remove her left eye.
Claire Pell's cat Penny was shot point blank an air rifle last week, leaving her needing surgery to remove her left eye.
Vets had to remove an injured cat's eye after thugs in Northampton shot the poor puss with an air rifle at close range.

Back cat Penny had to be rushed to a specialist veterinary surgery in Birmingham after she returned to her home in Duston with horrific injuries on Thursday night, (August 11).

The moggy had been shot by thugs sometime between 7.15pm and 8.45pm, leaving her with a pellet now permanently lodged behind her ear.

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Her owner Claire Pell contacted the Chronicle & Echo about the incident in a bid to catch the people that did it.

She said: “The vet was unable to locate the pellet during surgery but has since x-rayed her and they can see it behind her ear but as its causing no danger they are going to leave it for now so she can recover.

“I live in Duston and want to try and make people in the town and my local area of what someone is doing to innocent animals. I am aware not everyone likes cats but this is a criminal act.

“I also want to try and make people aware that if this has happened to them, they need to report it to the police. The more people that do the more chance we have of finding who did it.”

Anyone with information about the attack on Penny, should contact police on 101.

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