Former factory in Northamptonshire to be turned into flats despite parking concerns

Residents raised concerns about parkingResidents raised concerns about parking
Residents raised concerns about parking
A former factory is to be converted into six flats despite objections over parking.

The former factory in Finedon Road, Irthlingborough, will be turned into residential flats after getting the go-ahead by members of East Northants Council’s planning management committee.

Planning officers had recommended the plans for approval, but a number of residents were against the proposals for flats ranging from one to three-bed units.

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Their reasons for objection included parking issues, highway safety concerns, an increase in congestion as well as noise and light pollution.

Irthlingborough Town Council also objected to the plans because the application has no provision for parking.

Speaking at the planning meeting on Wednesday night, one objector speaking on behalf of 19 residents said parking issues were the main concern with the planning application in its current form.

He said Finedon Road was a busy road into and out of the town and the new flats would lead to increased congestion as well as increased demand for on-street parking, which they fear could result in more accidents in the area.

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Ward councillor for Irthlingborough Waterloo Sylvia Hobbs said: “I sympathise with the residents, parking is difficult, it does fluctuate.”

But she added that while the new flats may cause parking problems, she did not think it was a strong enough reason to refuse the plans.

The factory is a red brick and part rendered three-storey building.

Its most recent use as a factory was to manufacture and assemble organs, but the building has been redundant for some time.

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A letter from Sidey Design Architecture, the agent for the applicant, said the building could become dilapidated if the plans were refused.

The report considered by councillors ahead of making their decision said no off-street provision is being proposed, but there is on-street parking on the northern side of Finedon Road which could be used by the residents of the flats.

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