Delapre Abbey launches recruitment video for new volunteers at Northampton tourist attraction

Delapre Abbey GVs taken in July 2010
NEWS STOCK GVS ETCDelapre Abbey GVs taken in July 2010
Delapre Abbey GVs taken in July 2010 NEWS STOCK GVS ETC
Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust (DAPT) is releasing a volunteer recruitment video to attract people into getting involved in volunteering at the Abbey for when it opens later in 2016.

To advertise for volunteers, DAPT has created a recruitment video which has been released on Delapre Abbey’s website, social media and YouTube channel.

A spokeswoman said it was hoped that the video would be promoted at the Northamptonshire Community Cinema, University of Northampton, and the Guildhall.

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“This will ensure new audiences are reached and it will be a dynamic way of capturing people’s attention. Flyers and posters are being released in the local community to encourage people to find out more, as well current volunteers and staff going out to talk to groups and societies about how they can help, using the video as a prominent visual aid,” she said.

Volunteers will be essential in helping to make the Abbey a success, with roles and opportunities ranging from showing people around the house, keeping the beautiful gardens in tip top condition, to helping with events and educational activities.

“This is a very exciting time for Delapre Abbey, so the Trust is hoping to attract people who are passionate about their community, who have time to give something back, and who want Delapre to flourish as a heritage attraction,” she said.

“Volunteers will be an essential part of the team, so they will be able to contribute to every sector of the property,” she added. “The Trust would love to talk to any individual, group or business with an interest in volunteering at Delapre Abbey. Be a part of something special!”

Visit the website to find out more details or contact the team at Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust on 01604 760817 or email [email protected]