Decision made to clamp down on parking surrounding Northamptonshire leisure complex

Rushden Lakes.Rushden Lakes.
Rushden Lakes.
Northamptonshire County Council will now enforce double yellow lines on three roads surrounding Rushden Lakes shopping complex to mitigate staff and visitor parking.

Northamptonshire Highways will enforce double yellow lines on Northampton Road (up to Shelley Drive), Cole Street and the Development Access (off Skew Bridge roundabout) "in the coming months."

A Northamptonshire County Council spokesman said: “We have been in discussions with East Northamptonshire District Council about introducing no waiting at anytime restrictions in some roads around Rushden Lakes to mitigate the potential impact of parking by staff and visitors to the new development. These restrictions would also ensure safe access to the site.

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“Following a consultation a decision has been made to implement the restrictions, however the proposals have been amended slightly to allow some parking to remain in Crown Way.

"Officers will now be co-ordinating with contractors to arrange the necessary works to allow the changes to be introduced, which will take place in the coming months.

“A decision has been made that levels of parking in the surrounding areas will be monitored.”