Daughter died in bed next to mother after taking lethal dose of prescribed morphine, Northampton inquest hears

County HallCounty Hall
County Hall
A 22-year-old daughter died after consuming a lethal dose of morphine while sleeping next to her mother in their Northampton home, an inquest has heard.

Alisha Cresswell-Wake was prescribed the drug for pain relief due to her chronic hip pain.

She suffered from Perthes disease - a childhood disorder which caused degeneration to her hip bone, leading to chronic pain.

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She had been due to undergo hip replacement surgery but it was postponed several times between 2011 and 2016, with doctors suggesting Miss Cresswell-Lake lose weight before having the operation.

Each postponement was for 12 months.

Morphine was prescribed and her dosages were reviewed every six months, or whenever she went to the doctors.

She was kept on morphine for pain relief purposes. When asked whether there was another solution Dr De Brauw, giving evidence on behalf of Queensview Medical Centre, said her GP had tried other medication and that morphine was "the last resort while awaiting hip surgery".

But the day before her death, Miss Cresswell-Wake was taken to Northampton General Hospital at 1.30am after her legs had given way under her, causing her to hit her head on the kerb.

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She discharged herself from the hospital at 5.20am "against medical advice" and went home accompanied by her mother.

The pair stayed up for a few hours before falling asleep.

Tragically, when Mrs Wake woke up she found her daughter not breathing next to her.

She administered CPR before the paramedics arrived but after their attempts at CPR failed, Miss Cresswell-Lake was pronounced dead.

"We had the closest relationship ever, we were best friends and inseparable," said Miss Cresswell-Lake's mother.

"She put everyone before herself."

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Mrs Lake added: "She was my world, my best friend, my everything. My heart is broken into a million pieces."

Returning her brief narrative verdict, Coroner Anne Pember said: "Alisha Cresswell-Lake took an excess of morphine medication, which had been prescribed for pain relief.

"This led to her untimely death."

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