Police warning after woman triggers suspicion in Kingsley

The activity took place on Sunday morning.The activity took place on Sunday morning.
The activity took place on Sunday morning.
If you experienced anything unusual, police have said they would like to know more about it

A woman has raised eyebrows in Kingsley over the weekend, leading to an appeal for more information from Northamptonshire Police.

Ben Berry, from Homestead Way, reported the suspicious woman to the county force after she was reportedly knocking on several doors in his street.

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The incident took place early on Sunday morning when she was asking the occupants for details about their cars.

Ben said: "A woman was going around my street in Kingsley knocking on peoples' doors in the early hours, mine included, with the same suspicious story.

"The story was something along the lines of 'is that your car outside? I’ve been looking to get one, can you tell me about it?'

"This was unusual due to it being so early on a Sunday. Each house has confirmed it’s the same story being used, which opens up more questions. I’m a bit concerned as my street is mainly the elderly, and her story doesn’t add up."

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A spokeswoman for the police press office today confirmed to the Chronicle & Echo that the woman is described as being "white, in her late 30s/early 40s, about 5ft 7in, with dark brown hair and a local accent".

Ben wants his appeal to reach the older members of the community so they can think about taking extra safety measures.

He added: "I want to warn the surrounding areas to keep an eye out, to not give any information out that could put them at any risk and make sure they are locking their cars.

"It’s pretty unusual to get this kind of behaviour, especially so early on a Sunday. My suspicion is that she is maybe scoping out the area."

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A spokeswoman for Northamptonshire Police said the force received one report about this yesterday (Sunday) at about 1.15pm and they are asking for other residents to get in touch if it happened to them.