Northampton man threatened his mother with knife

Northampton Crown CourtNorthampton Crown Court
Northampton Crown Court
A 22-year-old man from Northampton who threatened his mother and her partner with a knife in a 'pure rage' has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Thomas Geraghty, of Viscount Road, Rectory Farm, caused a deep cut to the hand of his mother’s partner, which required stitches, after he tried to disarm him of the knife.

Northampton Crown Court heard Geraghty burst into his mother’s address on November 30, 2014, with “pure rage” on his face.

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Michael Coley, prosecuting, said Geraghty’s mother’s partner saw him put the knife to her throat and he attempted to disarm him by swinging a wooden bat at him.

The pair the grappled on the floor and Geraghty was eventually disarmed of the knife.

Mr Coley said police were called to the address and the mother’s partner kept Geraghty in a headlock for 10 minutes.

The victim suffered cuts to his hand, wrist and left palm as he had grabbed the blade to disarm Geraghty.

Geraghty later pleaded to guilty to a section 20 offence.

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Judge Rupert Mayo said it was a “shocking” attack but said he had read letters in which it was revealed Geraghty was making improvements in his personal life.

Judge Mayo sentenced Geraghty to 15 months in prison, suspended for 18 months. He must complete 120 hours unpaid work and attend the ‘thinking skills’ programme.