Northampton carer sentenced for attacking 86-year-old care home resident with Alzheimer's

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Scales of justice
A Northampton man has been given a six-month suspended sentence for assaulting a vulnerable resident in one of the town’s care homes.

Emeka Chukwu was immediately suspended from his role as a carer when a member of staff witnessed him assaulting the 86-year-old year old resident, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.

The 44-year-old man, from Delapre, pleaded guilty to battery and was sentenced at Northampton Crown Court on June 10.

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Speaking after sentencing, Detective Constable Charlotte Green said: “This force takes adult safeguarding very seriously indeed.

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Scales of justice

"We were very keen to ensure justice was obtained for this vulnerable man, who was unable to speak for himself when he was assaulted.

“The care home followed the correct procedures by suspending the suspect and referring the matter to us so we could fully investigate the claims.

“It is our job to protect a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect, and we will always thoroughly investigate any reports that this right has been compromised."

The details have been released by Northamptonshire Police but the statement did not include details of which care home. The force has been approached for clarification.