'If you come down here I'll slaughter you': Restraining order for Northampton woman who harassed neighbour for weeks

Sharon Inwood banged on her neighbour's door and shouted at her "at all times of the day".Sharon Inwood banged on her neighbour's door and shouted at her "at all times of the day".
Sharon Inwood banged on her neighbour's door and shouted at her "at all times of the day".
A Northampton woman who harassed her neighbour to the point of leaving her 'living in fear' has been handed a restraining order.

Sharon Inwood spent weeks in September 2018 banging on her nearby neighbour's door in Penfold Close and shouting abuse.

Northampton Crown Court heard yesterday (January 3) how the 56-year-old's victim did not know she targeted her and her flat - but told the court through a victim impact statement that the harassment had 'completely ruined her life'.

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The statement, which was read out in court, said: "I now live in fear that Inwood might be outside my door at any time. I am a prisoner in my own flat.

"Inwood has taken no notice of the conditions not to contact me. I'm afraid to go outside or near my windows in case Inwood is there.

"She will shout and bang on my door at all times of the day. I've no idea why she does this."

The harassment reached a peak in October 2018, when police were called to the flat after Inwood reportedly shouted at her victim: "If you come down I'll slaughter you."

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Police arrived and left after making inquiries - only for Inwood to return to the woman's flat 15 minutes later to spit on her door.

The police were called again and Inwood was arrested. She later pleaded guilty to putting person in fear of violence by harassment.

In court, Inwood claimed she was "very remorseful" about the incidents and was preparing to move away from the flat block.

His Honour Judge Michael Fowler said: "Your behaviour has had an appalling effect on [her victim's] life.

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"I understand you are making efforts to move away from Penfold Close. It is not for me to tell you where to live, but I would comment that course of action might be for the best."

Inwood was handed a restraining order that prevents her from approaching her neighbour's flat or contacting her in anyway. She was also handed a one-year community order.