Roadmender to receive further financial support following latest Culture Recovery Fund grants

The Roadmender in NorthamptonThe Roadmender in Northampton
The Roadmender in Northampton
“After being closed for over 12 months, the money we have been awarded will ensure Roadmender can continue to be here for culture, long into the future"

The Northampton music venue will receive £44,000 from the Arts Council which its owners hope will see it through to re-opening in June.

The Roadmender has been awarded £44,000 in the latest round of grants from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund.

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The music venue which, like others across the country, has been closed for more than 12 months because of coronavirus restrictions, will use the money to help pay ongoing bills and see them through until the end of June when they plan to re-open.

Natalie Lee-Norris who runs the Northampton music venue with her husband Dave Norris, said: “We are thrilled and delighted to announce we have been successful in our application for the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund Round 2.

“After being closed for over 12 months, the money we have been awarded will ensure Roadmender can continue to be here for culture, long into the future.

“We would like to say a huge thanks to all of our followers for their continued support, well wishes and patience with all the rescheduling of our shows, we really couldn’t have got through these very difficult times without you.

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“We would also like to thank the Music Venue Trust for all the support that they have given us and other venues throughout this process and these very strange times.”

In the first round of grants from The Arts Council in October, the Roadmender received £88,000 which it again used towards bills and other associated costs of not being able to operate.

If the Government doesn’t change its roadmap out of lockdown, the venue will re-open on June 24.

Mrs Norris said: “Roll on June 24 when we can finally open the doors and welcome you back, with our first show since March 16 2020, which happens to be the fantastic Sarpa Salpa.”

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Music Venue Trust represents more than 900 venues across the UK and has worked with eligible venues in their applications to the fund.

MVT Strategic Director, Beverley Whitrick, said: “Over the last 12 months we have worked hard to provide UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government, and the Northern Ireland Executive with as much data about the needs of our sector as possible in an attempt to unlock financial support to sustain these vital venues.

“We are grateful for these funds but would like also to acknowledge and applaud the incredible work done by ‘Team MVT’ in training, advising, and supporting MVA members throughout this process.”

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