Dyslexic Northampton woman in line for best wedding blogger award

Nicky TribbleNicky Tribble
Nicky Tribble
A dyslexic woman from Northampton has been nominated for an award for writing about the excitement and pitfalls of preparing for nuptials.

Former University of Northampton student Nicky Tribble could be the Best Rising Star in The Wedding Blog Awards

The 28-year-old from Newnham had the idea of website after offering tips to several guests at weddings while working on her portable photo booth business.

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She said: "It was people struggling with wedding planning and asking me if I knew a photographer or a good venue, and I found I was always able to give them an answer.

Nicky TribbleNicky Tribble
Nicky Tribble

"After hearing it a few times, people encouraged me to write it all down."

But one of the great challenges composing the blog was not the topics or advice, but the actual writing process.

She said: "Being dyslexic was totally the problem. I knew what I wanted to say, but I wasn't confident at all about how it would read. I would publish it but not even tell anyone.

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"But since then, I've asked by mum and other people to look over it and pick up any errors, and it has been fine.

Nicky TribbleNicky Tribble
Nicky Tribble

"I'm now able to just write and use my own voice, which I never thought I'd be able to do."

Nicky said she would not be intimidated when it eventually comes to planning her own day, despite people's heightened expectations.

"I always say that every wedding is different and there's no single 'perfect day'," she said. "It'll be perfect in its own way, so I'm not worried at all."

Nicky's blog is at: http://www.theweddinginsider.co.uk

The wedding awards website is: http://www.weddingandweddingflowers.co.uk/blogaward_vote.php